Eco and econo conscious as I am, my vacation rentals are full of cool goodies for guests like coupons, discounts, and free stuff free stuff. Where do I get them, guests ask? Come on, you can Google anything... okay, okay, here are links to the ones I hit most often:
Current Offer Free Starbucks Ice Cream: Up to 20,000 coupons for a free pint will be shared every day through July 19. Send one friend a coupon to enjoy a complimentary pint of new Starbucks Ice Cream. Over 800 coupons for a free pint every hour. You can only send one coupon to one friend, so choose carefully! If it says restricted, try back later.
The Freebie Blogger has an offer now for free luggage tags.
I also check CoolSavings.com and SmartSource.com
Just kidding about you sending me ice cream. Send me a video review of Casita Colibri instead and you can get a free week in the Sedona vacation rental (based on availability and a few excluded dates).
Everything you touch turns to gold, silver and my fav, platinum...xox
I went to send the coupon to a friend in Colorado only to learn that Colorado along with two other states cannot participate. So I send the coupon to myself.
Thanks for letting us know!
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