1. The top 25% of people in India, when ranked by IQ, is a larger number than the entire population of the US. Put your lifestyle in context with this must see video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9Wu2kWwSY.
2. Free WiFi for Mac Users from Skype. http://www.boncherry.com/blog/2009/03/19/free-wi-fi-skype-access-for-mac-users/
3. "The Lost Generation," watch and read this AARP award winning video all the way through to the end http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42E2fAWM6rA.
4. Rental cars for $7 a day at carrentals.com.
5. Luxury 4 Star Hotels for under $100 a night http://www.hotwire.com/destination/four-star-budget-hotels.jsp. Still not as good as a healthy vacation rental for under $100 a night (June to Sept at my place)! But if you don't want to go to St. Augustine, FL or Sedona, AZ, click away:-)
Taj photo by Eric J. Mayer
This blog is for bottom-up dispensers of cool who enjoy eco-travel deals and healthy living. We feel that "the small, the slow, the local, and the personal" will build the new economy. Your comments will help enrich this information for all of us. Please share your tips and experience.
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