Can I get your opinion? Answer my brief survey about travel and enter to win a DVD here. I'll enter you in a drawing to win a copy of a newly released film by Emmy Award winning director, Jan Nickman called Living Temples which takes you on a journey to feel nature's beauty and the importance it plays in our lives. Order your own from ThirdPlanetProductions.com.
The survey is at this link http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e2duq03ffmjwefyl/start
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If you enjoy beautiful nature art you might enjoy visiting www.kinseybarnard.com
I like going somewhere where I can be outside- especially someplace warm!
We'd like to invite you to visit St. Augustine, where it is warm, but breezy! We have a balcony where I usually sleep to be outside, it feels like being in a tree house!
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